Monday, December 27, 2010

I think . . .part.3

When i just sit a round at a place watching people go by..there are also some people who notice my presence. Mostly the people who walk by me more than 3 times. There are some incidences where people asked me; "what i am doing?" (basically i just answered reading, nothing...or just smile ), "Do you know where this place is?" (asking me*do i look like an information counter???* Well, i'll try my best to help out, if i don't know..really3 don't know where the venue is i'll said i'm sorry, i don't know..) p/s: There's a cute guy asking me where TR24 is and luckily i knew..and he said that i have been much help..*blushing*  i just said okay~~*god of all much things i just said okay???!!!* and then quickly added i'm honored to be able to help you~~*now that's better* hahahaha  wish that i'll meet him again one day~~~heee.. "Do i have class?" (yes i do, but not for the time being~~), "what's the time now?", "How do you do?" etc2... Well i think apart from being an observer i can be an information counter and an intriguee (someone that makes you intrigued *makes you feel like wanna ask lots of question* and i will definitely answer it~~*this is a made up word ok? i don't know if it's english..hehe).

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I think . . .part.2

However...there's no such thing as that! Wasn't it??  I realise (from my observation) that every single human being differs from each other either the degree of difference is huge or just slight. The way every people talk, walk, smile and even winks do differs. So it's not a shock that we can't comprehend each other 100% However, it's not impposible okies~?~  Apart from all the differences...we do share some similarities (either you guys notice it or not~~) for example; we all need air to breath, our basic needs (like foods, drinks, home etc2), somebody to be by our side *kinship eyh?* (a friend, friends or someone in special relationship with us, etc2) hehe ^_^ and many more~!~ There are some people who believe they are superior than the others around them in spite there are also some people who just can't stop being inferior than others. Some are shy and some are outgoing. Some are talkative and some are silent (for me a silent person is a very interesting person and a very mysterious person~!~), Some are always mingle in a group yet some just alone and didn't bother about anything else. Well i suggest there's some kind of a balance~~sort of like yin and yang stuff ^_^  

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I think . . .part.1

       In the past few days...i found myself thinking...thinking about life, how i do and go on with it. For the past years and years i've been participating in life with all i can, with all i might! Going along with my families, relatives, friends, neighbours and society...Now, i end up as an observer and surprisingly i found that i like it that way. I love to just sit around anywhere in a corner or in a hall way or near the streets, just anywhere that is suitable and comfortable for me...I sit quietly with my textbooks, novels, notes and mp3 player, reading,

listening to the music that i like and at the same time watching people go around, back and forth as the time drift away. It was pretty much like watching a drama series or a live/real TV show~! There's lots of things that i observed; people smiling, talking, frusting, frowning, crying inside/out, happy with friends, loner like me? (i guess so~~) etc2. I found out that i can really be a good observer (so i am on the right track now..taking a degree in human sciences majoring in english language and literature specializing in linguistics, minoring in Islamic revealed knowledge~insyaAllah, pray for my success~amiin), maybe because i can sit at a particular place without moving around for a very2 long time (i do mean it~~! the shortest time i can stay at one place without budging is approximately 4 hours!) and my eyes won't miss even a single thing! I wish, oh how i wish~~is my eyes were the lens of a powerful camcorder which have an unlimited memory storage, so that i can share every single thing that i see with the rest of the world! 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Comic Fiesta 2010 Aims To Reward Visitors and Challenge Perceptions

18-19 December 2010
Grand Ballroom, Berjaya Times Square Hotel
Berjaya Times Square
Jalan Imbi
Kuala Lumpur

Since it’s humble beginnings as a small exhibition at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall in 2002, Comic Fiesta has grown exponentially in both size and scope to become the premier ACG (Anime, Comics & Games) event in Malaysia. The 2009 edition of this expo brought in almost 8,000 visitors from all walks of life together under the roof of the Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, the biggest audience yet for an ACG event organized in Malaysia.
Now, Comic Fiesta 2010 looks set to break the record yet again. Being held at the Manhattan Ballroom of Berjaya Times Square Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 18 and 19 December 2010, this year’s iteration organized by Sequential Youth Arts Society (SAYS) is planned to bring “more of everything”, as well as challenge the local perception of what an ACG event can offer to its visitors and the Malaysian ACG community.
In addition to the ever-popular Artists Booth (formerly known as the Doujin Market) and anticipated Cosplay Competitions, Comic Fiesta 2010 will also be premiering new, never-seen-before attractions for all visitors.
Tickets are priced at RM15 for a one-day entry, and may be purchased at the venue itself. Visitors can also choose to pre-order their
tickets at RM25 for both days using the order form from the official website. Application forms for the cosplay and karaoke competitions are also available from the website.

For more information of all the activities planned for Comic Fiesta 2010 as well as ticketing inquiries, visit the official website at It is constantly being updated with new guidelines and the latest announcements.
About SAYS
Sequential Youth Arts Society (SAYS) is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization that aims to educate the public about the ever-expanding ACG community in Malaysia. Established in 2009, its ultimate goal is to create a dynamic avenue where local and international creative talents can come together and push the Malaysian creative industry forward through innovative new ideas.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Ayat yang biasa kita tuturkan setiap kali menjelang tahun baru,
“Saya mahu berubah.”
“Saya akan lakukan perubahan dalam hidup.”
“Saya mahu lakukan yang lebih baik.”

Bagus tu. Itulah yang sebenarnya dianjurkan. Berubah ke arah yang lebih baik.
Namun, lebih baik seandainya dispesifikasikan perubahan yang ingin dilakukan.
Lebih baik juga kalau dapat membuat checklist yang diharapkan dapat mengingatkan kita yang sememangnya sering terlupa dengn perancangan perubahan yang kita bina setiap tahun.

Saya menulis artikel ini bukan kerana mahu menjadi motivator atau kaunselor anda semua. Bukan juga mahu menjadi perancang masa depan yang hebat. Hanya sekadar menghangatkan sesuatu yang bukan sahaja sudah semakin sejuk, malah bimbang semakin dilupakan. Menyeru diri saya dan anda semua melakukan perubahan dalam urusan yang mungkin agak REMEH sahaja, tepi PERLU.
(Perubahan dalam urusan yang besar, anda tentukan sendiri yer)

Apa kata tahun ini kita membuat sedikit perubahan dalam perkara-perkara berikut. Biarpun sedikit, yang penting konsisten dan istiqamah sepanjang tahun.

Bermula dari awal hari kehidupan:

1. Kita mulakan hari dalam kehidupan dengan bertekad menunaikan solat Subuh. Subuh di dalam waktunya. Bukan Subuh gajah. Bukan juga Subuh dinasour. Jadi, walau apapun, perlu bertekad bangun pagi seawal azan Subuh berkumandang.  Lebih baik kalau dapat Subuh berjamaah. Tidak kira di masjid, surau ataupun di rumah. Di masjid, berjamaah dengan jamaah surau yang lain. Di rumah, berjamaah dengan isteri dan anak-anak yang menjadi amanah besar daripada Allah yang perlu dijaga dan dididik.

2. Mengembalikan nostalgia membaca Al-Quran. Kalau naskah Al-Quran sudah sekian lama tidak disentuh, di awal tahun ni sentuhlah ia agar sentuhan itu bisa mengundang kerinduan untuk membacanya setiap hari. Lebih baik seandainya dapat membaca Al-Quran setiap kali selesai solat fardu. Jika tidak berupaya, cukuplah membacanya setiap hari walaupun hanya sekali sehari. Asalkan kita tidak meninggalkan Al-Quran yang hakikatnya itulah PEDOMAN AGUNG dalam kehidupan ini.

3. Membiasakan kembali diri untuk membaca doa-doa harian yang mudah-mudah. Kalau sudah berumah tangga, amalan ini akan menjadi didikan tidak langsung kepada isteri atau suami serta anak-anak. Mudah sahaja. Baca doa dengan suara yang dapat didengar oleh isteri, suami dan anak-anak ketika masuk dan keluar tandas, doa makan, doa naik kenderaan, doa masuk dan keluar rumah, doa melihat cermin dan doa-doa mudah yang lain. Jadikan ia sebagai rutin yang mudah. Pasti ia dapat membina satu suasana atau bi’ah islamiyyah dalam kehidupan kita. Mudah sahaja bukan?

4. Menanamkan tekad untuk mengenakan pakaian yang sesuai dengan corak pemakaian Islam yang baik seperti memakai tudung yang menepati garis panduan Islam yang betul. Pilihlah mana sahaja berkenan dan menepati citarasa anda fesyen-fesyen tudung banyak terdapat di pasaran asalkan ianya tidak jarang dan tidak menampakkan leher dan dada. Jangan sampai kita berfesyen tetapi lupa akan kriteria-kriteria fesyen yang dibenarkan Islam. Begitu juga dengan baju. Berfesyenlah, asalkan menutup aurat, tidak menampakkan bentuk badan, jarang, dan menjolok mata kerana jika mengingkarinya, ianya akan mengundang derita dan sengsara di Akhirat kelak. Bagi yang bergelar suami, bantulah isteri dan anak-anak anda berpakaian seperti membelikan pakaian yang menutup aurat dan memberi nasihat dengan baik dan pandangan dengan gaya pemakaian yang mereka kenakan setiap hari sama ada dalam keadaan rasami mahupun santai. Andalah pemimpin dan penasihat Dunia dan Akhirat mereka.

5. Bagi mereka yang sudah mendapat ‘title’ suami dan bapa, sesekali tanamkanlah tekad untuk ‘mencemar duli’ bagi meringankan tugas isteri menguruskan rumah dan anak-anak. Kasihanilah isteri anda yang kepenatan. Membantu isteri membasuh pakaian (letak sahaja baju-baju di dalam mesin basuh, mesin yang akan mencucinya), menjemur pakaian, atau membuang sampah yang sudah memenuhi tong sampah rumah, tidak akan menjatuhkan nilai kepimpinan yang anda miliki. Percayalah!

Andai punya isteri yang suka membebel, biarkanlah. Sekejap sahaja. Nanti akan baik sendiri. Pagi tadi, ketika bersarapan pagi nasi lemak yang suami saya belikan di kedai, saya tertarik dengan tajuk artikel dari Dr. H.M. Tuah yang terdapat pada pembungkus nasi lemak. “Tajuknya: Berbeza itu serasi namanya”.  Membincangkan sifat suami isteri yang berbeza itu adalah keserasian. Isteri yang pendiam, biasanya suaminya adalah seorang yang banyak bercakap. Dan begitulah sebaliknya. Kerena itu, jika anda punya isteri yang kerap membebel, redhalah kerana itu adalah kebiasaan sifat seorang wanita yang kepenatan menguruskan rumahtangga yang tidak pernah habis kerjanya. Selami kisah bagaimana Sayyidina Umar berhadapan dengan isterinya yang sedang membebel. Pasti anda akan merasa kagum dengannya.

6. Khusus bagi mereka yang sudah berumah tangga. Di saat anda menikmati detik-detik bahagia bersama isteri dan anak-anak, luangkan masa juga untuk bersama sahabat anda yang sedang menghadapi kesusahan dan derita. Andai bantuan kewangan tidak dapat diberikan, sokongan dan kebersamaan anda bersama mereka sebenarnya amatlah bernilai. Pasti segala bantuan dan sokongan yang anda hulurkan tidak akan disia-siakan Allah. Bagaimana jika jauh jaraknya? Bukankah teknologi komunikasi negara kita sudah mencapai ke tahap yang boleh dibanggakan? Kenapa tidak dimaksimumkan penggunaannya untuk tujuan kebajikan? Alat-alat komunikasi 3G, iPhone4, Facebook, semuanya boleh membantu anda ibarat dunia ini tiada sempadannya.

7. Syurga di bawah telapak kaki ibu. Itulah yang perlu diingat selalu. Kesibukan mengejar kesenangan dunia jangan sampai membuat kita alpa dengan gelaran ANAK yang kita miliki. Sayangi ibu dan ayah dengan menzahirkan kasih dan sayang anda kepada mereka. Buatlah apa sahaja asalkan mereka bahagia mendapat seorang anak seperti anda. Seringlah menziarahi mereka. Bertanya khabarlah dengan ibu dan bapa anda sekerap yang mungkin. Mereka pasti gembira seolah-olah anda sentiasa di sisi walaupun hakikatnya anda jauh beribu batu dari mereka.

Cukuplah sekadar 7 perkara untuk saya sentuh dan berikan perhatian untuk kali ini. REMEH TETAPI PERLU! Untuk impain yang ‘besar-besar’, anda tentukanlah sendiri. Buatlah planning yang baik agar kita tidak mensia-siakan usia yang Allah pinjamkan buat sementara. Saya mendoakan agar impian dan harapan tahun baru kita semua kali ini akan mencapai sasarannya.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

KAWAII ~~ me...nyan nyan...

Pose #1: V Sign

The V sign, which is commonly known as the victory sign or peace sign is the pose that I most commonly associate with Asians. One performs this hand gesture by raising and parting the index and middle finger while the remaining fingers are clenched.

Pose #2: Shush

To request silence, the index finger of one hand is extended while the remaining fingers are curled inwards towards the palm. The index finger is brought vertically to the lips with the side of the index finger facing the lips. Optionally, one can make a “shhh” noise with their lips to add to the realism. If done right, people will be silenced by the absolute cuteness of this gesture.

Pose #3: Begging

Place both hands together with palm facing upwards and bring both hands near the chin. Optionally, you can include a sad face to show how needy you are.

Pose #4: Adjusting Glasses

There are many variations of this gesture with the most common feature being a minimum of one finger touching the glasses frame. The most common variation involves one hand with the index finger and thumb touching the glasses frame right next to the lens.

Pose #5: Claws

What is both ferocious and cute at the same time? The answer is the claw hand gesture, which involves one or two hands with palm facing outward and fingers bent towards the palm. The fingers which aren’t forming the claw shape remain clenched.

Pose #6: Pigtails

Want to appeal to pigtail lovers but don’t have a hair band or hair tie? No problem! You can take matters into your own hands by grasping your long hair with both hands with knuckles facing outwards.

Pose #7: Frame

A picture frame is created using two hands to simulate a rectangle or square. The index finger is vertical while the thumb is extended perpendicular to the index finger. The remaining fingers are clenched and both hands are brought up as shown above.

Pose #8: Pleading

This gesture can be created by making a fist with both hands and brought under or near the chin. This expression focuses on the face but the variations suggest that any expression that suggests you want something is fine.

Pose #9: Louder

This pose involves using two hands with all fingers extended and brought near the mouth. Voice amplification is simulated by putting the hands at an angle with palm facing outwards. Although it is debatable whether you will get louder, you will surely get people’s attention with this cute pose.

Pose #10: Fighting!

This pose can be done by clenching a single or both fists together and bringing them near your face. In addition, making an angry facial expression helps to warn others of your ensuing wrath.

Pose #11: Punch to the Face

To create this self-injury pose, clench your fingers into a fist with one hand and bring it towards your cheek.

Pose #12: Call Me

Using one hand, stretch out your pinky finger and thumb and clench your other fingers. Bring your hand up to one ear such that your thumb is closest to your ear to mimic a telephone. This gesture tells someone that you want him or her to call you in private.

Pose #13: Bang!

With one or two hands, extend both your thumb and index finger while keeping your other fingers clenched. Point your index finger at the target to show them who’s boss. You can also put both hands together to form a thicker gun.

Pose #14: Confused

Simply having a confused facial expression does not properly emphasize the confused look. The key ingredient is to place one hand on the top of your head with all fingers extended to look like you’re scratching your head. It also helps if someone draws a squiggly puff of smoke above your head.

Pose #15: Praying

You too can (pretend to) pray by placing both hands together with all fingers extended or with fingers interlocked. Place your hands such that they are horizontally centre aligned relative to your body.

Pose #16: Blowing a Kiss

With one or two hands under your chin, point them in the direction of the person you’d like to give your indirect kiss to. Using your mouth, blow on your hand to push your love out to that lucky guy or girl.

Pose #17: Pointing

Is it rude to point? Not if it’s done so cutely! With your index finger extended in one hand and your other fingers clenched or curled inwards, point your index finger at someone. It is important to note that the effectiveness of your pointing can be reduced with coloured nail polish, as it takes attention away from your stern index finger.

Pose #18: Giant Heart

Unlike the heart shape done with your hands, this giant heart relies on your body and your arms. With both hands and fingers extended, place the tips of your fingers on the top of your head. Your fingers should be approximately in the center of your head. The tough part is that your arms will need to bent such that it matches the shape of a heart.
You may need to practice this pose in front of the mirror to ensure your heart is symmetrical.

Pose #19: Pillow

The best way I could describe this pose was a pillow, which was primarily due to the photo above. This pose is quite simple, place both hands together with fingers fully extended and bring to one cheek. Although your hands may not be as comfortable as a pillow, it’s better than nothing.

Pose #20: Surprised

With fingers extended on one or two hands, place your hand on your cheek. Next, your mouth should be wide open as if you are surprised (just think of the time you got that surprise birthday party, won a prize, or got caught reading Really Cute Asians by your significant other)

Pose #21: Daydreaming

I’ve seen this pose in classes where people are bored out of their minds and begin daydreaming. Using one or two hands, with all fingers clenched, place them under your chin with your palms facing upwards.

Pose #22: Hey

I’ve had sleepless nights trying to figure out what this pose was. Some say it’s a half louder pose, a speech bubble, or some sort of wave. For now, I’ve called it the “hey” pose since it appears similar to a wave. This pose involves extending all fingers like a wave and placing it near your cheeks.

Pose #23: Heart Shape
There are a few variations of this pose, but the most is to take both hands and place your thumbs together with your other fingers in an arch shape. The top of your fingers are joined together to form the top of the heart, while your thumbs form the bottom of the heart.

Pose #24: Nyan Nyan~
I was told that this pose was the classic anime/manga cat girl pose, where they put their paws up to their cheeks. The word “nyan nyan” is sometimes used to describe the noise a cat makes. The pose is quite simple, using one or two hands, make a fist and put it up to your cheek with palms facing outwards. Optionally, you can wear cat ears and a collar with a bell on it, if you want to make sure no one misinterprets this pose.

Pose #25: Okay

This pose, like many other poses featured on this site, is frequently used by everyone regardless of race. This gesture creates the word “OK” using your fingers. To create the “O”, join your index finger and thumb, such that it forms a circle. The “K” is created with your remaining fingers extended. The palm of your hand should be facing outwards and your hand can be brought near your face if you wish.

Pose #26: Salute

The salute is a common hand gesture seen around the world. You may have seen this pose in the military or used after a game winning touchdown, but I assure you that this pose can be very cute. To perform this pose, choose your favourite eye brow (right or left). You’ll use the hand that’s on the same side as your chosen eyebrow to do the salute. With this hand, you can have all fingers extended or just the index and middle finger extended (other fingers clenched). Place this hand at or near your eyebrow at an angle and you’re good to go!

Pose #27: Horns

You can create horns by extending your index finger upwards and clenching your remaining fingers. Place your hand near your face with palms facing outward and make a funny facial expression.

Pose #28: Tears/Teasing

If you aren’t convinced that an expression makes a difference while posing, then consider this dual pose known as tears or teasing. For those who want more syllables, the synonym for tears pose is “I’m cute but can still cry” pose. Both poses require your index finger from one or two hands pointing to an area under your eye, but the expression differentiates between tears and teasing. If you want to do tears, you would make a sad expression like a pout. If you want to do teasing, you could stick out your tongue to provoke your audience. The choice is up to you, although the tears pose encourages others to enjoy your pain and suffering.

Pose #29: Kawaii other pose

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